Philadelphia RAM and Provincial RAM Assembly
Tuesday 16th September 2014
Worshipful Commander John Myers opened the Lodge with the assistance of his officers at 11am on Tuesday 16th September 2014. He quickly dispensed with the administrative business of Lodge and then came the report at the door.
The Provincial DC, David Emmerson entered the Lodge and announced that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Keith Alan Beardmore was outside the lodge with his Provincial Officers and was demanding admission.
The Deputy entered the Lodge and W.Bro. Myers surrendered the sceptre to VW Bro. Beardmore, who then invited W. Bro. Michael Clarke to act as Deputy Grand Master, W. Bro. Ian Nairn to act as Provincial Senior Warden and V.W.Bro. Paul Snape to act as Provincial Junior Warden. W.Bro. John Bicknell acted as Provincial Grand Scribe. The other members of the team were invited to carry out their duties and the Presiding Officer then opened a Provincial RAM Assembly.
John Myers, Worshipful Commander, Philadelphia RAM prepares his notes
VW Bro Beardmore addressed the 122 members in attendance at the meeting and explained that RW Bro Peter Connolly, Provincial Grand Master, had been required to attend the Province of Durham, where the Pro. Grand Master, MW Bro. Richard Victor Wallis was installing the new Provincial Grand Master. The Provincial Grand Master was being accompanied by the Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. Geoff Lee. The Presiding Officer gave all present the greeting from the Provincial Grand Master and the PGM's personal congratulations to those who were to be appointed to Pr. RAMGR, that morning.
The Presiding Officer Keith Beardmore with Michael Clarke and Ian Nairn
Those to be appointed were presented to the Presiding Officer who invested them with their ranks. full list here
Graham Halsall, Provincial Chaplain, who delivered the thought provoking paper
Following which a those assembled were treated to a paper by the Provincial Grand Chaplain on the various attributes of the house of Noah, and the effects those attributes had had on society ever since. Very thought provoking!
The assembly was closed, the Presiding Officer and Team retired. The Worshipful Commander closed the Lodge and we all retired to a festive board which was enjoyed by all.
Report and photographs by Mike Beesley